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Students & Parents

ISR Regulations

Biloxi Public School
(228) 432-3730


The In-School Reassignment (ISR) program is held at the Center for New Opportunities located at 1424 Father Ryan Ave for students in grades K-12. Junior High & High School students assigned to ISR are to meet at the BHS/BJHS campus and ride a designated bus to the ISR location. Elementary students are to ride the bus to and from Biloxi Upper Elementary and meet in the BUE front office.

  1. In-School Reassignment class hours are from 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM for BJHS & BHS students, 7:25 AM - 2:25 PM for elementary students. There are no late starts or early releases.
  2. Once an ISR student arrives they are to report directly to the ISR classroom (308, 309, 310).
  3. A student who is tardy for an in-school reassignment day will remain in the ISR class for that day and will have to serve additional time in ISR.
  4. A student who is present in ISR will be counted as present in his/her school.
  5. A student will be excused from ISR only for prearranged conferences with a school administrator. The student must be checked out by the parent/legal guardian and checked in by the parent/legal guardian following the conference. If a student is absent any part of a day when he/she is assigned to ISR, the student must make up the absence in the ISR program before returning to the regular school program. Doctor's appointments and other excused absences require that the day be made up in ISR. Unless otherwise arranged with the permission of the administration of the home school.
  6. It is the parent/legal guardian's responsibility to transport any medication the child takes daily at school to and from ISR.
  7. Teachers shall make class assignments for ISR students and assignments will be sent via email or district mail courier.
  8. No book bags or cell phones are permitted in ISR. Textbooks are provided by the ISR classrooms. Electronic devices must be turned in to ISR staff upon students arrival.
  9. Additional time in ISR may be given for inadequate effort or failure to complete assignments.
  10. In-School Reassignment requires that a student completes all assignments during the period of reassignment.
  11. ISR students will not participate in or attend any regular school activities, including break times. They will not be permitted to participate in any school-sponsored events, activities, or sports during the time of reassignment.
  12. All ISR students will eat breakfast and lunch in the ISR room.
  13. A student who violates the rules and regulations of ISR or is disruptive in ISR may be given extra days and may remain in ISR.
  14. The student assigned to ISR will be given a copy of the ISR regulations governing the ISR program, and the student will be required to sign and date the form.





  • All classroom rules from home school apply to ISR
  • Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
  • Raise your hand and wait to be called on when you need anything or have a question.
  • Come to class ready to work.
  • If you bring a cell phone or other electronic device, turn it off and surrender it to ISR staff. ISR staff will secure the device until the end of the day.  If it is not turned in and you are found in possession of an electronic device you will be written up for a cell phone violation and the device will be confiscated.
  • No eating or drinking in the ISR classroom.
  • Complete all assignments: students must work on assignments the entire day.
  • Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  • Students are not allowed to interact with one another.
  • Do not put your head down or attempt to sleep while in ISR.
  • Misbehavior will not be tolerated going to, in or returning from the buses, or drills.



  • Verbal warning.
  • Additional time added to the amount of time to be served.
  • Referral to administrator for consequences.

ISR Regulations File Download